
The website

The purpose of this website is to make available the results of research on this Ackley lineage to help others who are sorting through information for the same ancestors.

Please cite this website or the author as your source when using materials on online sites or in your own research.

The author

Dr. Nancy A. Mattison, the 7th great granddaughter of Nicholas and Hannah Ackley, grew up in central New York state. After earning a PhD in international studies, her career in academia, industry and consulting focused on improving access to health care and innovation in medicines worldwide. She lived in Basle, Switzerland and London, England in the 1990s, which provided opportunities to visit all the known places of her ancestry. Nancy retired in 2014 and finally has had time to work on the intriguing puzzles that the family history presents, making good use of the boxes of family photos, papers and memorabilia that she inherited.